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Thanks to all who participated in the Kentucky Open Government Coalition's inaugural webinar.

Eight days from today, substantial changes to the Kentucky's open records law will take effect. Our goal in presenting this webinar is to prepare the public for these changes.

We organize these changes into three categories: 1) limits on who can request records; 2) additional requirements for requesters and agencies; and 3) limits on what records can be inspected and copied.

We welcome participant feedback, suggestions for new topics and improvements.

For those unable to participate, we are providing links to the PowerPoint and "cheat sheet" as well as the video from this morning's webinar. Our thanks to the staff at Dinsmore and Shohl for their courtesy and technical assistance and my apologies for a bumpy start—I am clueless about how to record a video or mute all participants.

And, again, special thanks to Jeremy Rogers and Scott Horn. Their contribution to this webinar, and to the Kentucky Open Government Coalition generally, are immeasurable.

Presentation materials

Slide deck:

Cheat Sheet

Webinar recording:

Please feel free to share with friends, colleagues, and other open government advocates.


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